
There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

– Phil Karlton


A good caching system improves the intrinsic quality of the user experience and reduces the cost of resource usage and environmental impact. Sunday supports the following caching features in addition to the traditional simple TTL-based caching

  • Event-driven cache invalidation
  • Cache dependency resolution
  • Donut cache and donut hole cache
  • CDN control
  • Conditional requests.

Distributed Cache Framework

A distributed caching system that obeys REST constraints saves not only computational resources but also network resources.

PHP directly handles server-side caches such as Redis and APC, shared caches known as content delivery networks (CDNs), client-side caches cached by web browsers and API clients, BEAR.Sunday provides a caching framework that integrates these caches with modern CDNs.

distributed cache

Tag-based cache invalidation

dependency graph 2021-10-19 21 38 02

There is a dependency problem in the content cache. If content A depends on content B, and B depends on C, then when C is updated, not only C’s cache and ETag must be updated, but also B’s cache and ETag which depend on C, and A’s cache and ETag which depend on B.

Sunday solves this problem by having each resource hold the URI of the dependent resource as a tag. When a resource embedded with #[Embed] is modified, the cache and ETag of all the resources involved will be invalidated and the cache will be regenerated for the next request.

Donut cache

donut caching

Donut caching is one of the partial caching techniques for cache optimization. It composes the content into cacheable and non-cacheable parts.

For example, consider the content “Welcome to $name”, which contains a non-cacheable resource. The do-not-cache part will be combined with the other cacheable parts and output.


In this case, the entire content is dynamic, so the entire donut will not be cached. Therefore, no ETag will be output either.

Donut hole cache


When the hole part of the doughnut is cacheable, it can be treated in the same way as the doughnut cache.

In the example above, the resource for the weather forecast, which changes once an hour, is cached and included in the news resource. In this case, since the content of the donut as a whole (news) is static, the whole thing is also cached and given an ETag.

This is where the cache dependency comes in. When the content of the hole part of the donut is updated, the entire cached donut needs to be regenerated.

The nice thing is that this dependency resolution is done automatically. The computation of the donut part is then reused to minimize the computational resources. When the hole part (weather resource) is updated, the cache and ETag of the entire content is also automatically updated. Translated with (free version)

recursive donut

recursive donut 2021-10-19 21 27 06

The donut structure will be recursively applied. For example, if A contains B and B contains C and C is modified, A’s cache and B’s cache will be reused except for the modified C. A’s and B’s caches and ETags will be regenerated, but DB access to retrieve A’s and B’s content and rendering of views will not be done. For example, if A contains B and B contains C, and C is changed, A’s cache and B’s cache will be reused except for the part of C that is changed. The new partially-composed A and B caches and ETags will be regenerated.

The optimized structure of the partial cache performs content regeneration with minimal cost. The client does not need to know about the content cache structure.

Event-driven content

Traditionally, CDNs have believed that content that requires application logic is “dynamic” and therefore cannot be cached by a CDN. However, some CDNs, such as Fastly and Akamai, allow immediate or tag-based cache invalidation within seconds, this idea is a thing of the past.

Sunday dependency resolution is done not only on the server side, but also on the shared cache; when AOP detects a change and makes a PURGE request to the shared cache, the related cache on the shared cache will be invalidated, just like on the server side.

Conditional request

conditional request

Content changes are managed by AOP, and the entity tag (ETag) of the content is automatically updated. conditional requests for HTTP using ETag not only minimize the use of computational resources, but responses that only return 304 Not Modified also minimize the use of network resources. Conditional HTTP requests using ETag not only minimize the use of computational resources, but also minimize the use of network resources by simply returning 304 Not Modified.


Give the class to be cached the attribute #[DonutCache] if it is a donut cache (embedded content is not cacheable) and #[CacheableResponse] otherwise.

use BEAR\RepositoryModule\Annotation\CacheableResponse;

class BlogPosting extends ResourceObject
    public $headers = [
        RequestHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => CacheControl::NO_CACHE

    #[Embed(rel: "comment", src: "page://self/html/comment")]
    public function onGet(int $id = 0): static
        $this->body['article'] = 'hello world';

        return $this;

    public function onDelete(int $id = 0): static
        return $this;

recursive donut

recursive donut 2021-10-19 21 27 06

The donut structure will be recursively applied. For example, if A contains B and B contains C and C is modified, A’s cache and B’s cache will be reused except for the modified C. A’s and B’s caches and ETags will be regenerated, but DB access to retrieve A’s and B’s content and rendering of views will not be done. For example, if A contains B and B contains C, and C is changed, A’s cache and B’s cache will be reused except for the part of C that is changed. The new partially-composed A and B caches and ETags will be regenerated.

The optimized structure of the partial cache performs content regeneration with minimal cost. The client does not need to know about the content cache structure.

Event-driven content

Traditionally, CDNs have believed that content that requires application logic is “dynamic” and therefore cannot be cached by a CDN. However, some CDNs, such as Fastly and Akamai, allow immediate or tag-based cache invalidation within seconds, this idea is a thing of the past.

Sunday dependency resolution is done not only on the server side, but also on the shared cache; when AOP detects a change and makes a PURGE request to the shared cache, the related cache on the shared cache will be invalidated, just like on the server side.

Conditional request

conditional request

Content changes are managed by AOP, and the entity tag (ETag) of the content is automatically updated. conditional requests for HTTP using ETag not only minimize the use of computational resources, but responses that only return 304 Not Modified also minimize the use of network resources. Conditional HTTP requests using ETag not only minimize the use of computational resources, but also minimize the use of network resources by simply returning 304 Not Modified.


Give the class to be cached the attribute #[DonutCache] if it is a donut cache (embedded content is not cacheable) and #[CacheableResponse] otherwise.

class Todo extends ResourceObject
    public function onPut(int $id = 0, string $todo): static

    public function onDelete(int $id = 0): static

If you give attributes in either way, all the features introduced in the overview will apply. Caching is not disabled by time (TTL) by default, assuming event-driven content

Note that with #[DonutCache] the whole content will not be cached, but with #[CacheableResponse] it will be.


TTL is specified with DonutRepositoryInterface::put(). ttl is the cache time for non-donut holes, sMaxAge is the cache time for CDNs.

use BEAR\RepositoryModule\Annotation\CacheableResponse;

class BlogPosting extends ResourceObject
    public function __construct(private DonutRepositoryInterface $repository)

    #[Embed(rel: "comment", src: "page://self/html/comment")]
    public function onGet(): static
        // process ...
        $this->repository->put($this, ttl:10, sMaxAge:100); 

        return $this;

Default TTL value

For event-driven content, changes to the content must be reflected immediately in the cache, so the default TTL varies depending on the CDN module installed. Therefore, the default TTL will vary depending on the CDN module installed: indefinitely (1 year) if the CDN supports tag-based disabling of caching, or 10 seconds if it does not.

The expected cache reflection time is immediate for Fastly, a few seconds for Akamai, and 10 seconds for others.

To customize it, bind it by implementing CdnCacheControlHeaderSetterInterface with reference to CdnCacheControlHeader.

Cache invalidation

Use the methods of DonutRepositoryInterface to manually invalidate the cache. This will invalidate not only the specified cache, but also the cache of the ETag, any other resources it depends on, and the cache of the ETag on the server side and, if possible, on the CDN.

interface DonutRepositoryInterface
    public function purge(AbstractUri $uri): void;
    public function invalidateTags(array $tags): void;

Invalidate by URI

// example
$this->repository->purge(new Uri('app://self/blog/comment'));

Disable by tag

$this->repository->invalidateTags(['template_a', 'campaign_b']);

Tag Invalidation in CDN

In order to enable tag-based cache invalidation in CDN, you need to implement and bind PurgerInterface.

use BEAR\QueryRepository\PurgerInterface;

interface PurgerInterface
    public function __invoke(string $tag): void;

Specify dependent tags.

Use the SURROGATE_KEY header to specify the key for PURGE. Use a space as a separator for multiple strings.

use BEAR\QueryRepository\Header;

class Foo
    public $headers = [
        Header::SURROGATE_KEY => 'template_a campaign_b'

If the cache is invalidated by template_a or campaign_b tags, Foo’s cache and Foo’s ETag will be invalidated both server-side and CDN.

Resource Dependencies.

Use UriTagInterface to convert a URI into a dependency tag string.

public function __construct(private UriTagInterface $uriTag)
$this->headers[Header::SURROGATE_KEY] = ($this->uriTag)(new Uri('app://self/foo'));

This cache will be invalidated both server-side and CDN when app://self/foo is modified.

Make associative array a resource dependency.

// bodyの内容
    ['id' => '1', 'name' => 'a'],
    ['id' => '2', 'name' => 'b'],

If you want to generate a list of dependent URI tags from a body associative array like the above, you can specify the URI template with the fromAssoc() method.

$this->headers[Header::SURROGATE_KEY] = $this->uriTag->fromAssoc(
    uriTemplate: 'app://self/item{?id}',
    assoc: $this->body

In the above case, this cache will be invalidated for both server-side and CDN when app://self/item?id=1 and app://self/item?id=2 are changed.


If you install a module that supports a specific CDN, vendor-specific headers will be output.

$this->install(new FastlyModule())
$this->install(new AkamaiModule())


You can also configure a multi-tier CDN and set the TTL according to the role. For example, in this diagram, a multi-functional CDN is placed upstream, and a conventional CDN is placed downstream. Content invalidation is done for the upstream CDN, and the downstream CDN uses it.

multi cdn diagram

Response headers

Sunday will automatically do the cache control for the CDN and output the header for the CDN. Client cache control is described in $header of ResourceObject depending on the content.

This section is important for security and maintenance purposes. Make sure to specify the Cache-Control in all ResourceObjects.

Cannot cache

Always specify content that cannot be cached.

ResponseHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => CacheControl::NO_STORE

Conditional requests

Check the server for content changes before using the cache. Server-side content changes will be detected and reflected.

ResponseHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => CacheControl::NO_CACHE

Specify client cache time.

The client is cached on the client. This is the most efficient cache, but server-side content changes will not be reflected at the specified time.

Also, this cache is not used when the browser reloads. The cache is used when a transition is made with the <a> tag or when a URL is entered.

ResponseHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => 'max-age=60'

If response time is important to you, consider specifying SWR.

ResponseHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => 'max-age=30 stale-while-revalidate=10'

In this case, when the max-age of 30 seconds is exceeded, the old cached (stale) response will be returned for up to 10 seconds, as specified in the SWR, until a fresh response is obtained from the origin server. This means that the cache will be updated sometime between 30 and 40 seconds after the last cache update, but every request will be a response from the cache and will be fast.

RFC7234 compliant clients

To use the client cache with APIs, use an RFC7234 compliant API client.


Specify private if you do not want to share the cache with other clients. The cache will be saved only on the client side. In this case, do not specify the cache on the server side.

ResponseHeader::CACHE_CONTROL => 'private, max-age=30'

Even if you use shared cache, you don’t need to specify public in most cases.

Cache design

APIs (or content) can be divided into two categories: Information APIs (Information APIs) and Computation APIs (Computation APIs). The Computation API is content that is difficult to reproduce and is truly dynamic, making it unsuitable for caching. The Information API, on the other hand, is an API for content that is essentially static, even if it is read from a DB and processed by PHP.

It analyzes the content in order to apply the appropriate cache.

  • Information API or Computation API?
  • Dependencies are
  • Are the comprehension relationships
  • Is the invalidation triggered by an event or TTL?
  • Is the event detectable by the application or does it need to be monitored?
  • Is the TTL predictable or unpredictable?

Consider making cache design a part of the application design process and make it a specification. It should also contribute to the safety of your project throughout its lifecycle.

Adaptive TTL

Adaptive TTL is the ability to predict the lifetime of content and correctly tell the client or CDN when it will not be updated by an event during that time. For example, when dealing with a stock API, if it is Friday night, we know that the information will not be updated until the start of trading on Monday. We calculate the number of seconds until that time, specify it as the TTL, and then specify the appropriate TTL when it is time to trade.

The client does not need to request a resource that it knows will not be updated.


The traditional ##[Cacheable] TTL caching is also supported.

Example: 30 seconds cache on the server side, 30 seconds cache on the client.

The same number of seconds will be cached on the client side since it is specified on the server side.

The same number of seconds will be cached on the client side. use BEAR\RepositoryModule\Annotation\Cacheable;

#[Cacheable(expirySecond: 30)]] class CachedResource extends ResourceObject { ````

Example: Cache the resource on the server and client until the specified expiration date (the date in $body['expiry_at'])

```php?start_inline use BEAR\RepositoryModule\Annotation\Cacheable;

#[Cacheable(expiryAt: ‘expiry_at’)]] class CachedResource extends ResourceObject { ```.

See the HTTP Cache page for more information.


Web content can be of the information (data) type or the computation (process) type. Although the former is essentially static, it is difficult to treat it as completely static content due to the problems of managing content changes and dependencies, so the cache was invalidated by TTL even though no content changes occurred. Sunday’s caching framework treats information type content as static as possible, maximizing the power of the cache.
