
The router converts resource requests for external contexts such as Web and console into resource requests inside BEAR.Sunday.

$request = $app->router->match($GLOBALS, $_SERVER);
echo (string) $request;
// get page://self/user?name=bear

Web Router

The default web router accesses the resource class corresponding to the HTTP request path ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']). For example, a request of /index is accessed by a PHP method corresponding to the HTTP method of the {Vendor name}\{Project name}\Resource\Page\Index class.

The Web Router is a convention-based router. No configuration or scripting is required.

namespace MyVendor\MyProject\Resource\Page;

// page://self/index
class Index extends ResourceObject
    public function onGet(): static // GET request

CLI Router

In the cli context, the argument from the console is “input of external context”.

php bin/page.php get /

The BEAR.Sunday application works on both the Web and the CLI.

Multiple words URI

The path of the URI using hyphens and using multiple words uses the class name of Camel Case. For example /wild-animal requests are accessed to the WildAnimal class.


The name of the PHP method executed corresponding to the HTTP method and the value passed are as follows.

HTTP method PHP method Parameters
GET onGet $_GET
POST onPost $_POST or ※ standard input
PUT onPut ※ standard input
PATCH onPatch ※ standard input
DELETE onDelete ※ standard input 

There are two media types available for request:

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded // param1=one&param2=two
  • application/json // {“param1”: “one”, “param2”: “one”}

Please also see the PUT method support of the PHP manual.

Method Override

There are firewalls that do not allow HTTP PUT traffic or HTTP DELETE traffic. To deal with this constraint, you can send these requests in the following two ways.

  • X-HTTP-Method-Override Send a PUT request or DELETE request using the header field of the POST request.
  • _method Use the URI parameter. ex) POST /users?…&_method=PUT

Aura Router

To receive the request path as a parameter, use Aura Router.

composer require bear/aura-router-module ^2.0

Install AuraRouterModule with the path of the router script.

use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;
use BEAR\Package\Provide\Router\AuraRouterModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractAppModule
    protected function configure()
        // ...
        $this->install(new AuraRouterModule($appDir . '/var/conf/aura.route.php'));

Delete cached DI files to activate new router.

rm -rf var/tmp/*

Router Script

Router scripts set routes for Map objects passed globally. You do not need to specify a method for routing. The first argument specifies the path as the root name and the second argument specifies the path containing the place folder of the named token.


/* @var \Aura\Router\Map $map */
$map->route('/blog', '/blog/{id}');
$map->route('/user', '/user/{name}')->tokens(['name' => '[a-z]+']);
$map->route('/blog/comment', '/blog/{id}/comment');
  • In the first line, accessing /blog/bear will be accessed as page://self/blog?id=bear. (= Blog class’s onGet($id) method with the value $id=bear.)
  • token is used to restrict parameters with regular expressions.
  • /blog/{id}/comment to route Blog\Comment class.

Preferred router

If it is not routed by the Aura router, a web router will be used. In other words, it is OK to prepare the router script only for the URI that passes the parameters in the path.


Aura router have various methods to obtain parameters from the path.

Custom Placeholder Token Matching

The script below routes only when {date} is in the proper format.

$map->route('/calendar/from', '/calendar/from/{date}')
        'date' => function ($date, $route, $request) {
            try {
                new \DateTime($date);
                return true;
            } catch(\Exception $e) {
                return false;

Optional Placeholder Tokens

Sometimes it is useful to have a route with optional placeholder tokens for attributes. None, some, or all of the optional values may be present, and the route will still match.

To specify optional attributes, use the notation {/attribute1,attribute2,attribute3} in the path. For example:


$map->route('archive', '/archive{/year,month,day}')
        'year' => '\d{4}',
        'month' => '\d{2}',
        'day' => '\d{2}',

Please note that there is the first slash inside of the place holder. Then all the paths below are routed to ‘archive’ and the value of the parameter is appended.

  • /archive : ['year' => null, 'month' => null, 'day' = null]
  • /archive/1979 : ['year' => '1979', 'month' => null, 'day' = null]
  • /archive/1979/11 : ['year' => '1979', 'month' => '11', 'day' = null]
  • /archive/1979/11/07 : ['year' => '1979', 'month' => '11', 'day' = '07']

Optional parameters are options in the order of. In other words, you can not specify “day” without “month”.

Wildcard Attributes

Sometimes it is useful to allow the trailing part of the path be anything at all. To allow arbitrary trailing path segments on a route, call the wildcard() method. This will let you specify the attribute name under which the arbitrary trailing values will be stored.

$map->route('wild', '/wild')

All slash-separated path segments after the {id} will be captured as an array in the in wildcard attribute. For example:

  • /wild : ['card' => []]
  • /wild/foo : ['card' => ['foo']]
  • /wild/foo/bar : ['card' => ['foo', 'bar']]
  • /wild/foo/bar/baz : ['card' => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']]

For other advanced routes, please refer to Aura Router’s defining-routes.

Generating Paths From Routes

You can generate a URI from the name of the route and the value of the parameter.

use BEAR\Sunday\Extension\Router\RouterInterface;

class Index extends ResourceObject
     * @var RouterInterface
    private $router;

    public function __construct(RouterInterface $router)
        $this->router = $router;

    public function onGet(): static
        $userLink = $this->router->generate('/user', ['name' => 'bear']);
        // '/user/bear'

Request Method

It is not necessary to specify a request method.

Request Header

Normally request headers are not passed to Aura.Router, but installing RequestHeaderModule allows Aura.Router to match using headers.

$this->install(new RequestHeaderModule());

Custom Router Component

Implement RouterInterface with by referring to BEAR.AuraRouterModule.

*This document needs to be proofread by native speaker. *