
For BEAR.Sunday’s default prod binding, the application customizes the module according to each deployment environment and performs the binding.

Default ProdModule

The default prod binding binds the following interfaces:

  • Error page generation factory
  • PSR logger interface
  • Local cache
  • Distributed cache

See ProdModule.php in BEAR.Package for details.

Application’s ProdModule

Customize the application’s ProdModule in src/Module/ProdModule.php against the default ProdModule. Error pages and distributed caches are particularly important.

namespace MyVendor\Todo\Module;

use BEAR\Package\Context\ProdModule as PackageProdModule;
use BEAR\QueryRepository\CacheVersionModule;
use BEAR\Resource\Module\OptionsMethodModule;
use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;

class ProdModule extends AbstractModule
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new PackageProdModule);       // Default prod settings
        $this->override(new OptionsMethodModule);    // Enable OPTIONS method in production as well
        $this->install(new CacheVersionModule('1')); // Specify resource cache version

        // Custom error page


There are two types of caches: a local cache and a distributed cache that is shared between multiple web servers. Both caches default to PhpFileCache.

Local Cache

The local cache is used for caches that do not change after deployment, such as annotations, while the distributed cache is used to store resource states.

Distributed Cache

To provide services with two or more web servers, a distributed cache configuration is required. Modules for each of the popular memcached and Redis cache engines are provided.


namespace BEAR\HelloWorld\Module;

use BEAR\QueryRepository\StorageMemcachedModule;
use BEAR\Resource\Module\ProdLoggerModule;
use BEAR\Package\Context\ProdModule as PackageProdModule;
use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;
use Ray\Di\Scope;

class ProdModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        // memcache
        // {host}:{port}:{weight},...
        $memcachedServers = ',';
        $this->install(new StorageMemcachedModule($memcachedServers));

        // Install Prod logger
        $this->install(new ProdLoggerModule);
        // Install default ProdModule
        $this->install(new PackageProdModule);


// redis
$redisServer = 'localhost:6379'; // {host}:{port}
$this->install(new StorageRedisModule($redisServer));

In addition to simply updating the cache by TTL for storing resource states, it is also possible to operate (CQRS) as a persistent storage that does not disappear after the TTL time. In that case, you need to perform persistent processing with Redis or prepare your own storage adapter for other KVS such as Cassandra.

Specifying Cache Time

To change the default TTL, install StorageExpiryModule.

// Cache time
$short = 60;
$medium = 3600;
$long = 24 * 3600;
$this->install(new StorageExpiryModule($short, $medium, $long));

Specifying Cache Version

Change the cache version when the resource schema changes and compatibility is lost. This is especially important for CQRS operation that does not disappear over TTL time.

$this->install(new CacheVersionModule($cacheVersion));

To discard the resource cache every time you deploy, it is convenient to assign a time or random value to $cacheVersion so that no change is required.


ProdLoggerModule is a resource execution log module for production. When installed, it logs requests other than GET to the logger bound to Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. If you want to log on a specific resource or specific state, bind a custom log to BEAR\Resource\LoggerInterface.

use BEAR\Resource\LoggerInterface;
use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;

final class MyProdLoggerModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure(): void

The __invoke method of LoggerInterface passes the resource URI and resource state as a ResourceObject object, so log the necessary parts based on its contents. Refer to the existing implementation ProdLogger for creation.


⚠️ Avoid Overwriting Updates

When deploying to a server

  • Overwriting a running project folder with rsync or similar poses a risk of inconsistency with caches and on-demand generated files, and can exceed capacity on high-load sites. Set up in a separate directory for safety and switch if the setup is successful.
  • You can use the BEAR.Sunday recipe of Deployer.

When deploying to the cloud

  • It is recommended to incorporate compilation into CI as the compiler outputs exit code 1 when it finds dependency issues and 0 when compilation succeeds.

When setting up, you can warm up the project using the vendor/bin/bear.compile script. The compile script creates all static cache files such as dynamically created files for DI/AOP and annotations in advance, and outputs an optimized autoload.php file and preload.php.

  • If you compile, the possibility of DI errors at runtime is extremely low because injection is performed in all classes.
  • The contents included in .env are incorporated into the PHP file, so .env can be deleted after compilation.

When compiling multiple contexts (ex. api-app, html-app) in one application, such as when performing content negotiation, it is necessary to evacuate the files.

mv autoload.php api.autoload.php  

Edit composer.json to change the content of composer compile.


An optimized autoload.php file is output to {project_path}/autoload.php. It is much faster than vendor/autoload.php output by composer dumpa-autoload --optimize.

Note: If you use preload.php, most of the classes used are loaded at startup, so the compiled autoload.php is not necessary. Please use vendor/autload.php generated by Composer.


An optimized preload.php file is output to {project_path}/preload.php. To enable preloading, you need to specify opcache.preload and opcache.preload in php.ini. It is a feature supported in PHP 7.4, but it is unstable in the initial versions of 7.4. Let’s use the latest version of 7.4.4 or higher.



Note: Please refer to the benchmark for performance benchmarks.


If there are classes that cannot be generated in non-production environments (for example, ResourceObjects that cannot be injected unless authentication succeeds), you can compile them by describing dummy class loading that is loaded only at compile time in the root .compile.php.



require __DIR__ . '/tests/Null/AuthProvider.php'; // Always generatable null object
$_SERVER[__REQUIRED_KEY__] = 'fake';

When you compile, a “dot file” is output, so you can convert it to an image file with graphviz or use GraphvizOnline to display the object graph. Also, please see the object graph of the skeleton.

dot -T svn > module.svg

Bootstrap Performance Tuning

immutable_cache is a PECL package for caching immutable values in shared memory. It is based on APCu but is faster than APCu because it stores immutable values such as PHP objects and arrays in shared memory. Additionally, installing PECL’s Igbinary with either APCu or immutable_cache can reduce memory usage and further improve performance.

Currently, there are no dedicated cache adapters available. Please refer to ImmutableBootstrap to create and call a dedicated Bootstrap. This allows you to minimize initialization costs and achieve maximum performance.


// Extensions

// Specifying serializer
