
Each related function of Web Forms using Aura.Input and Aura.Filter is aggregated to a single class so that it is easy to test and change. We can use a corresponding class for the use of Web Forms and validation.


Install ray/web-form-module via composer to add form using Aura.Input

composer require ray/web-form-module

Install AuraInputModule in our application module src/Module/AppModule.php

use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;
use Ray\WebFormModule\WebFormModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractAppModule
    protected function configure()
        // ...
        $this->install(new AuraInputModule);

Web Form

Create a form class that defines the registration and the rules of form elements, then bind it to a method using @FormValidation annotation. The method runs only when the sent data is validated.

use Ray\WebFormModule\AbstractForm;
use Ray\WebFormModule\SetAntiCsrfTrait;

class MyForm extends AbstractForm
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function init()
        // set input fields
        $this->setField('name', 'text')
                 'id' => 'name'
        // set rules and user defined error message
        $this->filter->useFieldMessage('name', 'Name must be alphabetic only.');

We can register the input elements in the init() method of the form class and apply the rules of validation and sanitation. Please refer to Rules To Validate Fields of Aura.Filter with respect to validation rules, and Rules To Sanitize Fields with respect to sanitize rules.

We validate an associative array of the argument of the method. If we want to change the input, we can set the values by implementing submit() method of SubmitInterface interface.

@FormValidation Annotation

Annotate the method that we want to validate with the @FormValidation, so that the validation is done in the form object specified by the form property before execution. When validation fails, the method with the ValidationFailed suffix is called.

use Ray\Di\Di\Inject;
use Ray\Di\Di\Named;
use Ray\WebFormModule\Annotation\FormValidation;
use Ray\WebFormModule\FormInterface;

class MyController
     * @var FormInterface
    protected $form;

     * @Inject
     * @Named("contact_form")
    public function setForm(FormInterface $form)
        $this->form = $form;

     * @FormValidation
     * // or
     * @FormValidation(form="form", onFailure="onPostValidationFailed")
    public function onPost($name, $age)
        // validation success

    public function onPostValidationFailed($name, $age)
        // validation failed

We can explicitly specify the name and the method by changing the form property of @FormValidation annotation or the onValidationFailed property.

The submit parameters will be passed to the onPostValidationFailed method.


Specify the element name to get the input elements and error messages

  $form->input('name'); // <input id="name" type="text" name="name" size="20" maxlength="20" />
  $form->error('name'); // "Please enter a double-byte characters or letters in the name." or blank

The same applies to Twig template

{{ form.input('name') }}
{{ form.error('name') }}

CSRF Protections

We can add a CSRF(Cross site request forgeries) object to the form to apply CSRF protections.

use Ray\WebFormModule\SetAntiCsrfTrait;

class MyForm extends AbstractAuraForm
    use SetAntiCsrfTrait;

In order to increase the security level, add a custom CSRF class that contains the user authentication to the form class. Please refer to the Applying CSRF Protections of Aura.Input for more information.

@InputValidation annotation

If we annotate the method with @InputValidation instead of @FormValidation, the exception Ray\WebFormModule\Exception\ValidationException is thrown when validation fails. For convenience, HTML representation is not used in this case.

When we echo the error property of the caught exception, we can see the representation of the media type application/vnd.error+json.

echo $e->error;

// {
//     "message": "Validation failed",
//     "path": "/path/to/error",
//     "validation_messages": {
//         "name": [
//             "Please enter a double-byte characters or letters in the name."
//         ]
//     }
// }

We can add the necessary information to vnd.error+json using @VndError annotation.

 * @FormValidation(form="contactForm")
 * @VndError(
 *   message="foo validation failed",
 *   logref="a1000", path="/path/to/error",
 *   href={"_self"="/path/to/error", "help"="/path/to/help"}
 * )
 public function onPost()


If we install Ray\WebFormModule\FormVndErrorModule, the method annotated with @FormValidation will throw an exception in the same way as the method annotated with @InputValidation. We can use the page resources as API.

class FooModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new AuraInputModule);
        $this->override(new FormVndErrorModule);


Try the demo app MyVendor.ContactForm to get an idea on how forms such as a confirmation form and multiple forms in a single page work.