

Attribute Description
#[CacheableResponse] An attribute to indicate a cacheable response.
#[Cacheable(int $expirySecond = 0)] An attribute to indicate the cacheability of a resource. $expirySecond is the cache expiration time in seconds.
#[CookieParam(string $name)] An attribute to receive parameters from cookies. $name is the name of the cookie.
#[DonutCache] An attribute to indicate Donut cache.
#[Embed(src: string $src, rel: string $rel)] An attribute to indicate embedding other resources. $src is the URI of the embedded resource, $rel is the relation name.
#[EnvParam(string $name)] An attribute to receive parameters from environment variables. $name is the name of the environment variable.
#[FormParam(string $name)] An attribute to receive parameters from form data. $name is the name of the form field.
#[Inject] An attribute to indicate setter injection.
#[InputValidation] An attribute to indicate input validation.
#[JsonSchema(key: string $key = null, schema: string $schema = null, params: string $params = null)] An attribute to specify the JSON schema for input/output of a resource. $key is the schema key, $schema is the schema file name, $params is the schema file name for parameters.
#[Link(rel: string $rel, href: string $href, method: string $method = null)] An attribute to indicate links between resources. $rel is the relation name, $href is the URI of the linked resource, $method is the HTTP method.
#[Named(string $name)] An attribute to indicate named binding. $name is the binding name.
#[OnFailure(string $name = null)] An attribute to specify a method for validation failure. $name is the name of the validation.
#[OnValidate(string $name = null)] An attribute to specify a validation method. $name is the name of the validation.
#[Produces(array $mediaTypes)] An attribute to specify the output media types of a resource. $mediaTypes is an array of producible media types.
#[QueryParam(string $name)] An attribute to receive query parameters. $name is the name of the query parameter.
#[RefreshCache] An attribute to indicate cache refresh.
#[ResourceParam(uri: string $uri, param: string $param)] An attribute to receive the result of another resource as a parameter. $uri is the URI of the resource, $param is the parameter name.
#[ReturnCreatedResource] An attribute to indicate that the created resource will be returned.
#[ServerParam(string $name)] An attribute to receive parameters from server variables. $name is the name of the server variable.
#[Ssr(app: string $appName, state: array $state = [], metas: array $metas = [])] An attribute to indicate server-side rendering. $appName is the name of the JS application, $state is the state of the application, $metas is an array of meta information.
#[Transactional(array $props = ['pdo'])] An attribute to indicate that a method will be executed within a transaction. $props is an array of properties to which the transaction will be applied.
#[UploadFiles] An attribute to receive uploaded files.
#[Valid(form: string $form = null, onFailure: string $onFailure = null)] An attribute to indicate request validation. $form is the form class name, $onFailure is the method name for validation failure.


Module Name Description
ApcSsrModule A module for server-side rendering using APCu.
ApiDoc A module for generating API documentation.
AppModule The main module of the application. It installs and configures other modules.
AuraSqlModule A module for database connection using Aura.Sql.
AuraSqlQueryModule A module for query builder using Aura.SqlQuery.
CacheVersionModule A module for cache version management.
CliModule A module for command-line interface.
DoctrineOrmModule A module for database connection using Doctrine ORM.
FakeModule A fake module for testing purposes.
HalModule A module for HAL (Hypertext Application Language).
HtmlModule A module for HTML rendering.
ImportAppModule A module for loading other applications.
JsonSchemaModule A module for input/output validation of resources using JSON schema.
JwtAuthModule A module for authentication using JSON Web Token (JWT).
NamedPdoModule A module that provides named PDO instances.
PackageModule A module that installs the basic modules provided by BEAR.Package together.
ProdModule A module for production environment settings.
QiqModule A module for the Qiq template engine.
ResourceModule A module for settings related to resource classes.
AuraRouterModule A module for routing using Aura.Router.
SirenModule A module for Siren (Hypermedia Specification).
SpyModule A module for recording method calls.
SsrModule A module for server-side rendering.
TwigModule A module for the Twig template engine.
ValidationModule A module for validation.