Rendering and transfer

The request method of a ResourceObject is not concerned with the representation of the resource. The context-sensitive injected renderer generates the representation of the resource. The same application can be output in HTML or JSON and benefit by simply changing the context.

Lazy evaluation

Rendering occurs when the resource is string-evaluated.

$weekday = $api->resource->get('app://self/weekday', ['year' => 2000, 'month'=> 1, 'day'=> 1]);
//array(1) {
//    ["weekday"]=>
//  string(3) "Sat"

echo $weekday;
//    "weekday": "Sat",
//    "_links": {
//    "self": {
//        "href": "/weekday/2000/1/1"
//        }
//    }


Each ResourceObject is injected with a renderer for its representation as specified by its context. When performing resource-specific rendering, inject or set the renderer property.

Example: If you write a renderer for the default JSON representation from scratch

class Index extends ResourceObject
    public function setRenderer(RenderInterface $renderer)
        $this->renderer = new class implements RenderInterface {
            public function render(ResourceObject $ro)
                $ro->headers['content-type'] = 'application/json;';
                $ro->view = json_encode($ro->body);

                return $ro->view;


Transfers the resource representation injected into the root object $app to the client (console or web client). Normally, output is done with the header function or echo, but for large data, etc., stream transfer is useful.

Override the transfer method to perform resource-specific transfers.

public function transfer(TransferInterface $responder, array $server)
    $responder($this, $server);

Resource autonomy

Each resource class has the ability to change its own resource state upon request and transfer it as an expression.