Doctrine DBAL

Doctrine DBAL is also abstraction layer for database.

Install Ray.DbalModule with composer.

composer require ray/dbal-module

Install DbalModule in application module.

use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;
use Ray\DbalModule\DbalModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractAppModule
    protected function configure()
        // ...
        $this->install(new DbalModule('driver=pdo_sqlite&memory=true');

New DI bindings are now ready and $this->db can be injected with the DbalInject trait.

use Ray\DbalModule\DbalInject;

class Index
    use DbalInject;

    public function onGet()
        return $this->db; // \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection

Connect to multiple databases

To connect to multiple databases, specify the identifier as the second argument.

$this->install(new DbalModule($logDsn, 'log_db');
$this->install(new DbalModule($jobDsn, 'job_db');
 * @Inject
 * @Named("log_db")
public function setLogDb(Connection $logDb)

MasterSlaveConnection is provided for master/slave connections.