HTML (Twig v1)

In order to have an HTML reprensentation lets install madapaja/twig-module with composer.

composer require madapaja/twig-module ^1.0

Next create the context file src/Module/HtmlModule.php and install the TwigModule.

namespace MyVendor\MyPackage\Module;

use BEAR\AppMeta\AppMeta;
use Madapaja\TwigModule\TwigModule;
use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;

class HtmlModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        $this->install(new TwigModule);

Update the context in bin/page.php and enable html.

$context = 'cli-html-app';

We prepare twig templates by placing them in the same directory as the page resource that you want to bind it to. Replace the .php suffix with .html.twig. So a template for the Page/Index.php resource would be Page/Index.html.twig.

<h1>{{ greeting }}</h1>

The $body in a resource is assigned to the template and then rendered.

php bin/page.php get /
200 OK
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8

<h1>Hello BEAR.Sunday</h1>

By default partials and template files are found in var/lib/twig.

Custom Settings

If you would like to change options depending on the context or add a template path, configuration values are bound to @TwigPathsand @TwigOptions annotations.

namespace MyVendor\MyPackage\Module;

use Madapaja\TwigModule\Annotation\TwigOptions;
use Madapaja\TwigModule\Annotation\TwigPaths;
use Madapaja\TwigModule\TwigModule;
use BEAR\Package\AbstractAppModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractAppModule
    protected function configure()
        // ...
        $this->install(new TwigModule());

        // You can add twig template paths by the following
        $appDir = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
        $paths = [
            $appDir . '/src/Resource',
            $appDir . '/var/lib/twig'

        // Also you can set environment options
        // @see
        $options = [
            'debug' => false,
            'cache' => $appDir . '/tmp'

Other template engines

You can not only select a template engine, but you can also provide multiple template engines and assign them to different resources.